31 research outputs found

    Simulation and Optimization of Independent Renewable Energy Hybrid System

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    In this paper the majority of research refers to the optimal configuration of hybrid system that uses renewable energy and wind energy and solar radiation in association with diesel aggregate and batteries. These independent energy systems (hybrid systems) are becoming popular due to increasing energy costs and decreasing prices of turbines and Photo-Voltaic (PV) panels. But the only drawback is that their outputs depend upon the climatic conditions. The main goal to optimization a hybrid system is necessary to obtain the configuration of the system as well as the control strategy that minimizes the total cost through the useful life of the installation to meet the desired consumption and/or the pollutant emissions. The HOGA (Hybrid Optimizations by Genetic Algorithms) program was used to simulate the system operation and calculate technical economic parameters for each configuration. The system configuration of the hybrid is derived based on the data of wind and solar radiation which are related to the southern Croatian coast, as on a theoretical annual load at an observed location. Also, technical data for components are taken from the manufacturer’s specifications (datasheet). In this paper the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used types of generators (synchronous and asynchronous generators) are presented. Results show that the hybrid systems have considerable reductions in carbon emission and cost of the system

    Optimalizacija sustava s diskretnim događajima primjenom Petrijevih mreža i genetskih algoritama

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    Rad obrađuje pretpostavke za izgradnju i primjenu općenitog modela, koji integrira Petrijeve mreže i genetske algoritme s ciljem kontinuiranog nadzora poslova u sustavu s diskretnim događajima (DES) i usmjeravanja sustava u željenom smjeru. U prvoj fazi detaljno je opisana metoda simulacije DES-a pomoću općih Petrijevih mreža (PM). U nastavku predstavljene su osnove određivanja rasporeda poslova, metode evolucijskog računanja, s posebnim naglaskom na genetskih algoritam (GA). U drugoj fazi pristupilo se izradi modela i algoritma uvođenjem matričnog modela MRF1 klase PM i GA, s ciljem određivanja rasporeda poslova u više-projektnom sustavu s višeradnim resursima ograničenog kapaciteta pomoću heurističkih pravila, u kojem su prioriteti, kašnjenja i raspoloživost poslova definirani kroz genetski algoritam. U trećoj fazi algoritam je verificiran na dva sustava. Prvi sustav je pomorski prometni sustav kanala u kojem može nastupiti stanje potpunog zastoja neodgovarajućim zauzimanjem kanala od strane brodova koji prolaze suprotnim smjerovima. Drugi sustav je kontejnerski terminal. Razmatra se problem rasporeda poslova za automatski upravljana vozila. Cilj je izbjeći konflikte i zastoje među vozilima te minimalizirati vrijeme čekanja na dizalice, uz što kraća zadržavanja broda u luci. Algoritam je vrednovan s različitim veličinama populacije kako bi ispitao utjecaj tog parametra na konvergenciju rezultata ka konačnom rješenju. Rezultati primjene predloženog algoritma, kao i matrične metode nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja, ukazuju na njegovu učinkovitost i robusnost.This paper deals with assumptions for creation and implementation of the universal model for integration Petri nets and genetic algorithms, whose primary goal is to constantly control all jobs in a discrete event system and to guide the system to the targeted destination. In the first phase, the method of simulation discrete event system using Petri nets (PN) was described. Hereafter the basis for determining work schedules, methods of evolutionary computation, with special emphasis on genetic algorithm were presented. The aim of the second phases was to construct the integration method of genetic algorithm (GA) and matrix models MRF1 Petri nets into a comprehensive system of assigning jobs. It is necessary to determine the job schedule in a multi-project system with shared resources using heuristic rules which are priorities, delays and availability of jobs defined by genetic algorithm. The emphasis of the third phase was the verification of proposed algorithm at two systems. The first system is maritime traffic canal system in which to complete deadlock can be reached by taking improper channels by ships passing in opposite directions. The second system is a container terminal. We consider the problem of distribution jobs for unmanned vehicles to transport containers within the terminal. To increase the efficiency of container terminals, the proposed algorithm involves the procedure for forecasting and avoiding the conflicts and deadlocks. Also, the algorithm minimizes the waiting time for resources and minimizes the time that a ship spends in port. The algorithm was evaluated with different population sizes to examine the influence of this parameter on the convergence of results towards the final solution. The test results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed integration of GA and PN to determine the job schedule in a discrete event system

    Optimalizacija sustava s diskretnim događajima primjenom Petrijevih mreža i genetskih algoritama

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    Rad obrađuje pretpostavke za izgradnju i primjenu općenitog modela, koji integrira Petrijeve mreže i genetske algoritme s ciljem kontinuiranog nadzora poslova u sustavu s diskretnim događajima (DES) i usmjeravanja sustava u željenom smjeru. U prvoj fazi detaljno je opisana metoda simulacije DES-a pomoću općih Petrijevih mreža (PM). U nastavku predstavljene su osnove određivanja rasporeda poslova, metode evolucijskog računanja, s posebnim naglaskom na genetskih algoritam (GA). U drugoj fazi pristupilo se izradi modela i algoritma uvođenjem matričnog modela MRF1 klase PM i GA, s ciljem određivanja rasporeda poslova u više-projektnom sustavu s višeradnim resursima ograničenog kapaciteta pomoću heurističkih pravila, u kojem su prioriteti, kašnjenja i raspoloživost poslova definirani kroz genetski algoritam. U trećoj fazi algoritam je verificiran na dva sustava. Prvi sustav je pomorski prometni sustav kanala u kojem može nastupiti stanje potpunog zastoja neodgovarajućim zauzimanjem kanala od strane brodova koji prolaze suprotnim smjerovima. Drugi sustav je kontejnerski terminal. Razmatra se problem rasporeda poslova za automatski upravljana vozila. Cilj je izbjeći konflikte i zastoje među vozilima te minimalizirati vrijeme čekanja na dizalice, uz što kraća zadržavanja broda u luci. Algoritam je vrednovan s različitim veličinama populacije kako bi ispitao utjecaj tog parametra na konvergenciju rezultata ka konačnom rješenju. Rezultati primjene predloženog algoritma, kao i matrične metode nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja, ukazuju na njegovu učinkovitost i robusnost.This paper deals with assumptions for creation and implementation of the universal model for integration Petri nets and genetic algorithms, whose primary goal is to constantly control all jobs in a discrete event system and to guide the system to the targeted destination. In the first phase, the method of simulation discrete event system using Petri nets (PN) was described. Hereafter the basis for determining work schedules, methods of evolutionary computation, with special emphasis on genetic algorithm were presented. The aim of the second phases was to construct the integration method of genetic algorithm (GA) and matrix models MRF1 Petri nets into a comprehensive system of assigning jobs. It is necessary to determine the job schedule in a multi-project system with shared resources using heuristic rules which are priorities, delays and availability of jobs defined by genetic algorithm. The emphasis of the third phase was the verification of proposed algorithm at two systems. The first system is maritime traffic canal system in which to complete deadlock can be reached by taking improper channels by ships passing in opposite directions. The second system is a container terminal. We consider the problem of distribution jobs for unmanned vehicles to transport containers within the terminal. To increase the efficiency of container terminals, the proposed algorithm involves the procedure for forecasting and avoiding the conflicts and deadlocks. Also, the algorithm minimizes the waiting time for resources and minimizes the time that a ship spends in port. The algorithm was evaluated with different population sizes to examine the influence of this parameter on the convergence of results towards the final solution. The test results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed integration of GA and PN to determine the job schedule in a discrete event system

    Optimalizacija sustava s diskretnim događajima primjenom Petrijevih mreža i genetskih algoritama

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    Rad obrađuje pretpostavke za izgradnju i primjenu općenitog modela, koji integrira Petrijeve mreže i genetske algoritme s ciljem kontinuiranog nadzora poslova u sustavu s diskretnim događajima (DES) i usmjeravanja sustava u željenom smjeru. U prvoj fazi detaljno je opisana metoda simulacije DES-a pomoću općih Petrijevih mreža (PM). U nastavku predstavljene su osnove određivanja rasporeda poslova, metode evolucijskog računanja, s posebnim naglaskom na genetskih algoritam (GA). U drugoj fazi pristupilo se izradi modela i algoritma uvođenjem matričnog modela MRF1 klase PM i GA, s ciljem određivanja rasporeda poslova u više-projektnom sustavu s višeradnim resursima ograničenog kapaciteta pomoću heurističkih pravila, u kojem su prioriteti, kašnjenja i raspoloživost poslova definirani kroz genetski algoritam. U trećoj fazi algoritam je verificiran na dva sustava. Prvi sustav je pomorski prometni sustav kanala u kojem može nastupiti stanje potpunog zastoja neodgovarajućim zauzimanjem kanala od strane brodova koji prolaze suprotnim smjerovima. Drugi sustav je kontejnerski terminal. Razmatra se problem rasporeda poslova za automatski upravljana vozila. Cilj je izbjeći konflikte i zastoje među vozilima te minimalizirati vrijeme čekanja na dizalice, uz što kraća zadržavanja broda u luci. Algoritam je vrednovan s različitim veličinama populacije kako bi ispitao utjecaj tog parametra na konvergenciju rezultata ka konačnom rješenju. Rezultati primjene predloženog algoritma, kao i matrične metode nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja, ukazuju na njegovu učinkovitost i robusnost.This paper deals with assumptions for creation and implementation of the universal model for integration Petri nets and genetic algorithms, whose primary goal is to constantly control all jobs in a discrete event system and to guide the system to the targeted destination. In the first phase, the method of simulation discrete event system using Petri nets (PN) was described. Hereafter the basis for determining work schedules, methods of evolutionary computation, with special emphasis on genetic algorithm were presented. The aim of the second phases was to construct the integration method of genetic algorithm (GA) and matrix models MRF1 Petri nets into a comprehensive system of assigning jobs. It is necessary to determine the job schedule in a multi-project system with shared resources using heuristic rules which are priorities, delays and availability of jobs defined by genetic algorithm. The emphasis of the third phase was the verification of proposed algorithm at two systems. The first system is maritime traffic canal system in which to complete deadlock can be reached by taking improper channels by ships passing in opposite directions. The second system is a container terminal. We consider the problem of distribution jobs for unmanned vehicles to transport containers within the terminal. To increase the efficiency of container terminals, the proposed algorithm involves the procedure for forecasting and avoiding the conflicts and deadlocks. Also, the algorithm minimizes the waiting time for resources and minimizes the time that a ship spends in port. The algorithm was evaluated with different population sizes to examine the influence of this parameter on the convergence of results towards the final solution. The test results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed integration of GA and PN to determine the job schedule in a discrete event system

    Optimal Design of Ship’s Hybrid Power System for Efficient Energy

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    The International Maritime Organization regulations on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from ships require efficient dealing with this complex techno-economic and highly political problem through joint efforts of all major stakeholders from the shipbuilding industry and ship operations. The key problems of any research in the field of renewable energy, including power generation, storage, transformation and distribution, and the issues associated with limited power generation for specific loads, are the same issues that are experienced in the implementation of electric distribution technologies onboard ships. This paper analyses the effects of efficient shipping using the solar panel system and batteries to ensure continuous power supply, regardless of the weather conditions. The logistics chain of this control architecture is modelled by Colored Petri Nets. The economic analysis examines the annual costs of fuel consumption, the initial capital cost, total net cost and CO2 emissions


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    As a standard, 512 byte IrisCode templates developed with specific algorithms are stored in databases and used in iris recognition process. Future tendencies are to use real images rather than IrisCode templates in the iris recognition process. Many of current portable iris systems use portable devices (e.g. iris scanners) which are often required to transmit image or template over communication channel. Image compression can be used in order to reduce the transmission time and storage capacities. Classified Vector Quantization (CVQ) and ordinary Vector Quantization (VQ) are used for compression of grayscale iris images collected from one of the available public databases of iris images. Results show that both compression methods are significantly more effective when applied over iris images with respect to average images from everyday environments since iris images are fairly uniform and contain low contrast levels. Originally, CVQ is used to improve the quality of edges of compressed images because they are the most important part of image for a visual impression on human. Comparison and major advantage of CVQ over ordinary VQ in terms of significant time reduction needed for iris images to be coded is presented, and therefore a new important application of CVQ is highlighted

    A Review and Comparison of Ship Power Simulation Methods

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    Safe, secure and efficient clean sea shipping proposed by the IMO requires the development of the appropriate design, operating knowledge and tools for assessing energy efficient design and operation of ships. A brief overview of the methods and models of ship power management simulation shows the advantages and disadvantages of representative models. This review includes a comparison of different simulation methods, which implies different models, with the aim of optimizing the production of electricity on board, emission reductions and improved energy efficiency. In addition, the recommended technical solution for contributing to energy efficiency on board is given

    Printed Renaissance Treatises on Architecture in Dubrovnik

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    Renesansni traktati o arhitekturi odigrali su ključnu ulogu u strukturiranju promišljanja graditeljstva ranoga novog vijeka, a svojim su kolanjem umnogome odredili pristup arhitektu, oblikovanju i gradnji u čitavome zapadnom kulturnom krugu. U radu se ispituje uloga ovih djela tijekom ranoga novog vijeka u Dubrovniku, polazeći od dokumentiranih i još uvijek postojećih tiskanih traktata u dubrovačkim knjižnicama, te analize postojeće arhitekture

    Bibliometric analysis of sustainable shipping in Web of Science database in 2020 and 2021

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    The word sustainable became more and more important in maritime affairs especially in shipping. It has strong impact on environmental, social and economic sector. Throughout the years the number of researches on sustainable shipping has increased and became often represented in scientific articles. Through the authors’ science mapping, it could be noticed that many papers on this topic were elaborated on and were given the systematic literature review for the period of ten years, precisely 2009-2019. In this paper, authors try to research how many articles with the term sustainable shipping had been published in the last two years. The term sustainable shipping was searched in keywords, publication titles and abstracts. The research resulted in 35 selected papers. The obtained scientific papers are categorized according to the following: Web of science Categories, Web of Science Index, Paper Document, Open Access, Research Area and Countries. The paper will try to give future research directions how to easily categorize hot research topics in the domain of the word sustainable or any other, which is of author’s interests.Peer Reviewe

    Management of Lock Navigation to Reduce Queuing

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    Management of Lock Navigation to Reduce Queuin